До една година бул. „България“ и Симеоновско шосе ще са свързани с ново 6-лентово трасе
Ще е като новия участък на бул. „Тодор Каблешков“, който е част от целия проект. Завършването на вътрешните рингове, връзките с Околовръстния п...
Ще е като новия участък на бул. „Тодор Каблешков“, който е част от целия проект. Завършването на вътрешните рингове, връзките с Околовръстния п...
„НАП запечата бензиностанцията на семейството на кандидат- кметицата на Ихтиман Милена Чомакова. Чудим се как така някои хора тръгват да управляват ця...
The Kresna village of Vlahi has become a fiefdom of Bulgarian green activists and their non-governmental organizations, in which they carry out variou...
Поех предизвикателство да вляза в политиката и искам да покажа, че всяко добре казано нещо, може да бъде и добре направено, казва кандидатът за кмет н...
The complex has not been subject to an ecological assessment, which is mandatory due to the cumulative effect and the formation of new habitats within...
“Много обещания и нито ред ясен ангажимент”! Така гневни работници и служители на топлофикациите и мините определиха вчерашните изявления на премиера...
The Supreme Administrative Prosecutor's Office is investigating the former Minister and Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov and T...
Former Deputy Prime Minister for Climate Policies and Minister of the Environment Borislav Sandov does not pay health insurance. A check made by Na...
Former minister of environment and waters and climate vice premier Borislav Sandov has sent threatening SMSs to the minister of ecology in charge Rosi...
The exchequer-shattering schemes of the former Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov and his deputy Toma Belev, who heads the National Cou...
The outrages of the former Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov and his deputy Toma Belev, who heads the National Council for Biological...
А new investigation into the financial schemes in the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) has come across a terrifying scheme to drain the budget...
The outrages of the former Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov and his deputy Toma Belev, head of the National Council for biodiversi...
A full revision of the contracts with NGO made by the former minister It is being investigated whether the money for birds’ counting has gone to pe...
In the beginning of the year Ministry of environment and waters has been requested to provide documents related to аn assignment made by Sandov for bi...
After a query from docent Stephen Shilev in the Parliament it has become clear about a prosecutor’s revision of the deeds of the former management of...
Populism, addictions or misunderstanding of the climate changes topic and the dirty air among almost all deputies have become evident with just one de...
Former minister of environment and waters Borislav Sandov and his substitute Toma Belev allowed the trophy hunt of protected wild goats in Devin Hunti...
This question has been raised today by Boyko Borissov and was addressed to GERB deputies during a briefing at the party headquarters. Eco news gav...
Former Minister of Energy and current deputy from GERB Temenuzka Petkova revealed to PIK agency details about the answer she received from the current...