Why are the Greens silent

https://crimes.bg/index.php/analizi/why-are-the-greens-silent/37935 Crimes.bg
Why are the Greens silent

A shocking affair of the fake “environmentalists” has been shown with regards to the announced measures of the Ministry of Agriculture on dealing with the African swine fever coming from the North.


It turned out that a year ago green non-governmental organizations, headed by Toma Belev have stopped some draft amendments at the Parliament commission on the agriculture and foods concerning the Law on Hunting related to the prevention against the rash.  It envisaged what the ruling party intends to do  now - with the assistance of the hunting groups, to reduce the population of feral pigs in Bulgaria by means of off-season shooting. The example from Germany, where there are no diseased animals and such measures are applied, have not come to the senses of the Greens at all. The shooting will start only now, when there are already outbreaks near the city of Constanta, ie. the contagion has already passed the natural barrier of the Danube river.

And that's not all. Many wondered why the Greens  were wailing to the heavens if a stray dog is hit, and closed their eyes for the euthanasia of thousands of sheep and goats. It turned out that the guilty silence is not accidental - the fake “environmentalists” have facilitated the outbreak of the contagion in Strandzha mountain with their inaction, utilizing the money. Already 13 years ago, the Biodiversity Foundation received over BGN 1 million to prepare a Management Plan for Strandza Natural Park. This plan is not available but the money is spent. We will also remind that only two years ago, Belev protested against the construction of the border fence with Turkey, because it hindered the free movement of animals.


The favourite reaction of the “smart and beautiful”, following each tragedy that has struck our country is to ask spitefully: “Now again Kostov and the Greens are guilty, aren’t they?”.


Now we will ask them: “Ah, what do you think!?...” But we do not expect an answer; we see how they are descending, just like Tato advised in the past.

The conclusion is that the Prosecutor’s office has been right to investigate the activities of these non-governmental organizations. It is also good the ruling party, no matter who are they, to get rid of the Greens scourge and listen to the advice of those, who really think about the environment and prove every day that they care about it.


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