Toma Belev is taking Democratic Bulgaria downwards with his lies
Toma Belev is taking Democratic Bulgaria downwards with his lies

The ecologist from the left party of the Greens Toma Belev has already taken the Democratic Bulgaria coalition downwards with his constant lies. The formation which claims to be right-winged began to gather negatives because of him and the left-winged initiatives of the Greens and in addition, due to the business interests and the millions accrued from eco projects.  


The Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov accused Toma Belev of lying and disseminating fake news. “Another fake news. It is obvious that for the Greens, lying has become a life-style and a major political argument. A moment ago, Toma Belev has posted on his Facebook account the lie that I'm staying at the 5-star Ritz Carlton Hotel in Bahrain. “It's ugly and unfair because the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water and me have been allocated into middle-class hotels where the price for the overnight stay falls within the state-defined limit for accommodation. It is better to explain where his female colleague from the Greens is sleeping, at whose expenses and whose interests does he defend in Bahrain? We are here not to have fun but to repair the damages caused by the outrages done by local green non-governmental organizations, hidden behind fake causes and ruining the entrepreneurship and tourism in Bulgaria. And you Mr. Belev, are you not ashamed to be lying”, wrote Valeri Simeonov in his Facebook account. Toma Belev is related to the private ecological association Green Balkans and he continues to manage the Association of Parks in Bulgaria illegally and is an activist of Let Nature Remain in Bulgaria Coalition. His wife Vesela Kavrakova, a representative of WWF for Bulgaria, and Simeon Marin, son of the former left-winged vice-president Angel Marin are members and participants in the last one. The big score of this family corporation was Natura 2000. The European ecological network has been created to preserve the biodiversity of Europe. The scientific institutes at each Member State of the European Union draw up comprehensive rules and standards on nature conservation and management. Subsequently, they have been adopted by the appropriate governments and formalized in protected areas of Natura 2000. For Austria they are 9%, for Germany - 8%, for France - 9%, for Poland - 14%, etc. In Bulgaria, against all rules and European directives, this process has been assigned to the private ecological association Green Balkans, presided then by Toma Belev. For this purpose, the Ministry of Environment and Water has provided EUR 3 million of funding from the Danish government and has allocated EUR 3 million from the Enterprise for management of environmental protection activities, a company to the same ministry. Neither the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences nor Sofia University or other specialized institutions or state bodies have been invited to participate. This happens in the time of the left-winged government of Sergey Stanishev.


With this serious funding, a true Bacchanalia has begun on capturing and recording the zones of Natura. All areas suitable for the development of summer and winter tourism, the creation of wind and solar parks and places for building industrial capacities have been included quite deliberately. The range of these areas reaches 35% of the country’s territory - one of the largest indicators for the European Union. The goal is total control over all investment intentions and at the same time utilizing of additional funds, because BGN 8 million are allocated annually for monitoring the zones of Natura. This money is again received by the Green Balkans. And that's a very small part of the activity of the green octopus. Not to mention the millions obtained for the identification of wetlands along the Danube river and the purchase of land near the sea in the area of ​​Shabla. Or for displacing owls, storks, ground squirrels, frogs and other animal species.


The reality is sad and it speaks of a dangerous accretion of the non-governmental sector with the state. Because Toma Belev and his subordinates have neglected the principles of the global green civil cause long time ago - not to receive funding from governmental resources because their protests are just against the actions of the official institutions and not to mix the ecology with the policy.



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