Environmentalists jumped on spongers from Green octopus around Hristo Ivanov and Atanasov for lies and fake news about construction on dunes

https://crimes.bg/index.php/analizi/environmentalists-jumped-on-spongers-from-green-octopus-around-hristo-ivanov-and-atanasov-for-lies-and-fake-news-about-construction-on-dunes/38097 Crimes.bg
Environmentalists jumped on spongers from Green octopus around Hristo Ivanov and Atanasov for lies and fake news about construction on dunes

The environmentalists from the National Association "Bulgarian Black Sea Coast" rebelled against the lies and fake news of the protestors around the alleged Justice Minister Hristo Ivanov and General Nasko (Atanas Atanasov) from the so-called Democratic Bulgaria, who spread them to make their election campaign on ugly manipulations for deliberately destroying the natural resources by the state through the Law on the Structure of the Black Sea Coast (LSBSC).

This was clear from the open letter addressed to the Council of Ministers and the Bulgarian media spread by the Association.

Environmentalists pointed to a media publication of the defendant Oligarch with attach on property Ivo Prokopiev and the lead by bTV Zheni Marcheva, who spread fake news that MPs proposed to build on dunes and raise the fines for camping on them.

On this occasion, they said: "The proposed ban on camping tents, campers and caravans on dunes and the sanctioning of offenders by fines has been disclosed by "environmentalists" as limiting the right of movement. It is strange how self-proclaimed "guardians" of dunes and beaches were afraid that the law would punish those who pollute and damage the beaches and dunes".

Environmentalists from the "Bulgarian Black Sea Coast" accused the sponges of fat budgets “Green octopus” in total incompetence because of the use of non-existent concepts such as "alternative tourism", which means that tourism simply does not exist.

The fake vindicators against corruption from the so-called "Anticorruption Fund" has been reported by environmentalists that despite the expensive facilities and cars they have, they are pushing the state to provide them with free use of property for unregulated camping.

"In the radio show, a representative of an NGO called" Anticorruption Fund "on behalf of the owners of motorhomes and caravans - very expensive motor vehicles (without asking them) allowed herself to ask the state for free use of properties for unregulated camping. This is, provided that there are insufficient funds for the full satisfaction of the needs of disadvantaged children. It is not acceptable a handful of rich Bulgarians to be financed by the state budget and by private property owners for their free camping in "wild places", said the open letter of the Association "Bulgarian Black Sea Coast".

Here is the full text of open letter:


- Council of Ministers

- The Bulgarian media

Open letter

Dear members of the Council of Ministers,

Dear representatives of the Bulgarian media,

Let us stop the spread of media lies!

On May 9, 2019, the Dnevnik website published an article by author Vera Staevska entitled "MPs are proposing to build on dunes and to raise fines for tents on them." The lie is that there was no proposal from MPs to build on dunes. Article with the fake title "MPs offer construction on dunes" from the same date also published the "Free Europe" website. The same lie "... it is proposed to build on dunes ..." was also pronounced by Zheni Marcheva, who led the show "This Saturday and Sunday" on bTV on 12.05.2019.

At the National Assembly a procedure is underway for a draft amendment to a Law on the Structure of the Black Sea Coast. The proposal was submitted by the Ministry of Tourism. Parties represented in the parliament also tabled amendments to the LSBSC. The submitted bill and the additional proposals submitted thereto by the MPs of NFSB, IMRO and GERB structure changes that fully meet European standards and are part of the solution of global and national problems:

1.      Protect the environment of the Bulgarian coast - beaches and coastal waters from the plastic waste pollution.

2.      They preserve natural habitats of national importance - dunes.

3.      They create conditions for the development of ecological micro-family business.

4.      The terms and procedure for granting the concession of beaches are detailed and specified.

These proposed changes have been the reason for several wild-campers to produce fake news:

1.      "The dunes would be built." There is no such proposal in any of the amendments to the LSBSC. This statement should be classified as a pure lie.

2.      Proposed bans on placement of tents, campers and caravans on dunes and sanctioning of offenders with fines have been disclosed by environmentalists as limiting the right of movement. Strangely, the self-proclaimed "guardians" of the dunes and beaches were afraid of the law punishing those who pollute and damage the beaches and the dunes.

3.      The "Alternative tourism" is an oxymoron. Tourism either has or does not exist. Types of tourist activities are many. The alternative to tourism means there is no tourism.

4.      Direct calls are being made for the appropriation of private property - nationalization!!!

5.      In a radio show, a representative of an NGO called "Anticorruption Fund" on behalf of the owners of motorhomes and caravans - very expensive vehicles (without asking them), allowed herself to ask the state for free use of properties for unregulated camping. This is, provided that there are insufficient funds for the full satisfaction of the needs of disadvantaged children. It is not acceptable a handful of wealthy Bulgarians to be financed by the state budget and by private property owners for their free camping in "wild places",

We appeal to journalists who spread false news for the purpose of pre-election support for the "God’s elect" of the neo-liberal formation "Democratic Bulgaria" to read the draft law published on the National Assembly's website. Let us not reject the Euro-Atlantic values and not direct Bulgaria to a country in the northern part of the Korean peninsula.

From the National Association "Bulgarian Black Sea Coast"


Source: www.skandal.bg


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