Dimitar Lambovski in a sincere interview: Did he sell a house to Stoyan Mavrodiev and Boyko Borissov? (Shocking first-person revelations)

https://crimes.bg/index.php/analizi/dimitar-lambovski-in-a-sincere-interview-did-he-sell-a-house-to-stoyan-mavrodiev-and-boyko-borissov-shocking-first-person-revelations/40141 Crimes.bg
Dimitar Lambovski in a sincere interview: Did he sell a house to Stoyan Mavrodiev and Boyko Borissov? (Shocking first-person revelations)

Dimitar Lambovski, the former member of the Bulgarian parliament, was involved in numerous scandal situations. So he decided to clear up the speculations hovering in the media about his connections with some of the most talked-about names in politics and the underground in our country. And most of all – to talk about the scandal that has broken out, regarding the purchase of two houses in Greece. Because of which scandal Stoyan Mavrodiev threatens him to file a lawsuit against him and has even consulted Greek lawyers. Because Mavrodiev accuses Lambovski in blackmail and extortion.

It is a truth well known in Bulgaria that Lambovski himself was among the most controversial figures in the electoral list of King Simeon II’s party in 2001. His relationship with the former underground member Mladen Mihalev – Madzho is a subject often discussed in the media.

But the real scandal erupted over the accusations by the former Bulgarian Development Bank director Stoyan Mavrodiev that Lambovski tried to racketeer him and threatened to ruin him and Boyko Borisov. Accusations that Lambovski strongly denies. He claims that he has not spoken to Mavrodiev for a year and a half neither has mentioned the name of the prime-minister.

The scandal grew even stronger after Rumen Petkov burst in, claiming that a year and a half before Lambovski has tried to sell him the discrediting information for the amount of one million euro. A statement that the former tsarist MP defines as a total absurd and did not hide his indignation at it.

Lambovski points out that there are much more serious cases in Bulgaria regarding money laundering that involve influential Bulgarian high-ranking figures, politicians, oligarchs and businessmen that should be investigated. He refuses to make vain accusations before he gathers specific information to justify his words. And once more defined Stoyan Mavrodiev’s file against him as a total bluff.

Lambovski is ready to undergo a lie detector with Mavrodiev so that he can prove that he has actually sold him two houses and that one of them was for Boyko Borissov. Lambovski himself has not spoken to the prime minister about the topic.

The former member of the parliament claims that he has sold two houses to the Cypriot company “Varadezko Holding” which company is owned by Stoyan Mavrodiev. And that the last one has used it to buy the estates already mentioned.

Although documents state that the properties has been sold to the „Varadezko Holding” company, Lambovski reveals that the Cyprus regulations allow for a reference in the Commercial Registers. Аnd although there is a money transfer to a Dubai company, it can be clearly seen where exactly the money for the purchase has come from.

The case with the second house is very much the same. It has been sold to the same company – “Varadezko Holding”. They stated it was for Boyko Borissov. Lambovski claims that this statement belongs to Mavrodiev himself who has explained that he intends to buy the house through the company mentioned which is registered in Cyprus and hence is fully under his control.

Lambovski has confirmed these facts after he made a personal investigation.

The former MP stands firmly behind his words that the man in question in a high state position (mean Stoyan Mavrodiev - head of Bulgarian Development Bank at that time) has told him that he is buying a key property for the Prime Minister of Bulgaria.

Lambovski does not know whether the house is for the Prime Minister himself or for someone close to him or for his family, who may have decided to move from Barcelona to Greece... Something that the ex-MP only assumes.

Lambovski regrets the fact that he does not have evidence that Mavrodiev has bought the house for Borissov. And it is only his word against Mavrodiev’s. That is why he urges him to undergo a lie detector live so that people can see who is lying and who is telling the truth.

The unbiased readers can watch the whole interview with Mr. Dimitar Lambovski in the TV show "Alternative", broadcasted on TV1 on 13.08.2020. Videochannel www.youtube.com,

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-oQAB-Of3Q&feature=youtu.be

The interview itself and the scandalous facts stated in it has become the basis and given impetus to numerous publications in the authoritative editions of Ivo Prokopiev's Economedia: “Dnevnik” and “Capital”. Where in-depth analyzes of the former MP words have been made. The articles are available at the following URLs:


















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